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[TOEIC Speaking] Part2. Describe a picture - Study(+녹음) 본문
[TOEIC Speaking] Part2. Describe a picture - Study(+녹음)
1. This picture was taken indoors / outdoors / in the office
2. What I notice first is (the men) wearing (a black suit) in the foreground of the picture
3. He/She is ~ # 인물 묘사
4. The rest of them are 나머지 사람들 동작
5. There are 사물 1 / 위치
6. I can see 사물 2 / 위치
7. Overall, this picture gives out a ___ feeling
# busy , calm , happy , serious
<추가 내용>
# 나무 : There are many trees with full of green leaves.
# 빌딩 : I can see some buildings with many windows.
# 조명 : Light bulbs are hanging from the ceiling
# 벽에 : A painting is hanging on a wall
# 차 주차 : Some cars are parked along the street.
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